About Us

The Story

The story of the Global Immigrant Platform began in 2009 when our founder, Jason Troyer began forming relationships with various immigrant groups in Akron, OH. As needs surfaced, we gathered and distributed clothing and household furnishings, established a literature distribution ministry, provided aid through financial and advisory means, and began work on our latest endeavor, a private school. GIP is formed to continue these services, serving any needy community with the means given to us.

Global Immigrant Platform exists to show the love of Christ to immigrant communities and individuals in need. We do this through clothing and household furnishings, donations, financial and advisory aid, literature distribution, and private education.

Our Statement of Faith

– We believe in the almighty Father God, and in His only Son, Christ Jesus, conceived in the virgin Mary by the Holy Spirit, who is now our Comforter.

– We believe that we are redeemed through the sacrifice of Christ, to whose service we voluntarily give our whole lives.

– We believe in a holy church, sanctified unto God.

– We believe in the resurrection.

Our Team

Nate Kuhns Family

Jason Troyer Family

Dirky Visser Family

Josh Yoder Family

Ken Miller Family